Sponsoring Bedworth Party In The Park


We have some exciting news! With the success of Party In The Park 2023 we please to offer a chance to help support us with Party in the Park 2024.

We can’t meet our goals without the help of local people the community and companies like yours.

As you can imagine a project like this will come with a cost. To help raise funds to allow the project to be a success we are asking for help by way of advertising sponsorship. We are also accepting cash donations as well as in-kind donations of goods or services, and we are grateful for and help that you can give.

To show our gratitude for your support with the return of Bedworth Party In The Park Project. We would like to advertise your company within our sponsorship page on our website ww.bedworthpartyinthepark.co.uk and will be offering multiple adverting opportunities throughout several events that we will be hosting.

Party in the Park 2022 saw our first ever themed Friday evening that showed the very best of 80's vibes. We intend to expand on this success with a special evening of entertainment on Friday the 14th of July (tickets only) and of course our normal free community event over the Saturday and Sunday.

We hope that you can contribute, and we appreciate the support and your involvement in our community project.

For more information please complete the form below, an example of sponsorship packages can be found here